Month: March 2014

  • Still alive and kicking.....

    The planet has not dropped me off of it's surface.

    I have not been kidnapped by aliens.

    The NSA has not shut me down (but they COULD be reading....).

    I am still alive.

    But busy. OH HOW BUSY!

    We are in the second year of a renovation/combination of my library at the high school and the addition of part of the soon-to-be-closed middle school.

    Think of your worst moving nightmare.

    Then add too many chiefs and only a few Indians to do the work.

    You get the picture. The new library is beautiful and quite useful. Now we are dredging out what we want from the middle school and integrating it into the hs collection. This is slow, deliberate and detail oriented work. Very time consuming while keeping the original library services going as well.

    But, I miss this place and will try to make an effort to get here more often.

    I just hope that someone, anyone is still reading!